Heart of Darkness
A river that resembles a snake, “with its head in the sea... its tail lost in the depths of the land”, and a boat that travels ever farther up, into the heart of black Africa and into the darkness. A “remarkable” man, quite out of the ordinary, is on board: Kurtz, an ivory merchant who is revered as a god by the natives and who terrifies and fascinates Charles Marlow, the narrator of the story. Joseph Conrad’s powerful and unforgettable novel is revisited and turned into a graphic novel by Peter Kuper, one of the most interesting and sophisticated creators of contemporary comics, who manages to convey the dark overtones of the novel. As we move up the river, we are taken down into darkness, until we reach the terrifying final judgment of Kurtz as he lies dying: “The horror! The horror!” Cuore di tenebra Peter Kuper Tunué, 2021