Narrating a better future
How problems could be overcome thanks to the creative and sociable sides of human nature
Creativity, ingenuity and sociability could be the means to tackle – and overcome – both the old and new problems the world has to face after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the deceivingly simple answer that Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret (founder and executive president of the World Economic Forum the former, managing partner of The Monthly Barometer the latter), offer in their book The great narrative. For a better future, recently published in Italy as La grande narrazione. Per un futuro migliore, which ambitiously aims to analyse, in a rather limited number of pages, the challenges that the world is facing after the pandemic, as well as the possible ways in which they could be overcome.
This work acknowledges that the serious issues in need of a shared solution are many. The key questions concern the economy, the environment, geopolitics, society and technology and, the authors clearly explain, these questions all feature common traits involving complexity and speed, as well as the possible creation of utopias and dystopias, for instance.
In the second part of the book, however, Schwab and Malleret go on to illustrate how the solutions to such questions are already there and within our reach, and proceed to define a seven-stage path that, they believe, could lead us to overcome our present issues. Thus, they discuss collaboration and cooperation, imagination and innovation, as well as morality and – political and public – values, resilience, and the role played by companies and technology: all elements forming a single path leading towards a better future. In this respect, The great narrative certainly takes an upbeat stance that is in stark contrast with the gloomy perspective adopted by too many apocalyptic narratives – Schwab and Malleret optimistically assert, instead, that creativity, ingenuity and sociability, qualities innate to human beings, will prevail in the end.
Written in a comprehensible and lively style (and inspired by conversations had with 50 major global experts in various fields, from economy to neuroscience, from biotechnology to philosophy), this book by Schwab and Malleret makes for a quick read, though much attention should actually be paid, and a second reading would not go amiss.
La grande narrazione. Per un futuro migliore (The great narrative. For a better future)
Klaus Schwab , Thierry Malleret
Franco Angeli, 2022

How problems could be overcome thanks to the creative and sociable sides of human nature
Creativity, ingenuity and sociability could be the means to tackle – and overcome – both the old and new problems the world has to face after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the deceivingly simple answer that Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret (founder and executive president of the World Economic Forum the former, managing partner of The Monthly Barometer the latter), offer in their book The great narrative. For a better future, recently published in Italy as La grande narrazione. Per un futuro migliore, which ambitiously aims to analyse, in a rather limited number of pages, the challenges that the world is facing after the pandemic, as well as the possible ways in which they could be overcome.
This work acknowledges that the serious issues in need of a shared solution are many. The key questions concern the economy, the environment, geopolitics, society and technology and, the authors clearly explain, these questions all feature common traits involving complexity and speed, as well as the possible creation of utopias and dystopias, for instance.
In the second part of the book, however, Schwab and Malleret go on to illustrate how the solutions to such questions are already there and within our reach, and proceed to define a seven-stage path that, they believe, could lead us to overcome our present issues. Thus, they discuss collaboration and cooperation, imagination and innovation, as well as morality and – political and public – values, resilience, and the role played by companies and technology: all elements forming a single path leading towards a better future. In this respect, The great narrative certainly takes an upbeat stance that is in stark contrast with the gloomy perspective adopted by too many apocalyptic narratives – Schwab and Malleret optimistically assert, instead, that creativity, ingenuity and sociability, qualities innate to human beings, will prevail in the end.
Written in a comprehensible and lively style (and inspired by conversations had with 50 major global experts in various fields, from economy to neuroscience, from biotechnology to philosophy), this book by Schwab and Malleret makes for a quick read, though much attention should actually be paid, and a second reading would not go amiss.
La grande narrazione. Per un futuro migliore (The great narrative. For a better future)
Klaus Schwab , Thierry Malleret
Franco Angeli, 2022