Planning within the company
The theme of project management approached from a different point of view
Behind and inside every business project are people. This may seem somewhat banal, but in reality, it is a fact that should not be taken for granted. Overwhelmed by the process of digitisation and by the vast number of new technologies that now exist, we often run the risk of forgetting the central element of any production organisation: the human being.
Hence the importance of reading La prospettiva degli stakeholder. La gestione delle relazioni per aumentare il valore ed il tasso di successo dei progetti (‘The perspective of stakeholders. Relationship management to increase the value and success rate of projects’), a book of little more than a hundred pages written by Massimo Pirozzi and based on the analysis of business projects from the point of view of individuals, i.e. those who – by force of habit – are often referred to as stakeholders.
The intention of the author is clear: to place the person at the heart of things, both with regard to projects and to the process of project management. The aim is not only to give greater weight to the human aspect of this work, but also to increase both the value it generates and the success rate of the projects themselves.
Pirozzi’s book is simply divided into two parts: in the first, he describes the stakeholders, while in the second, he addresses the correct approach to managing relations with and between stakeholders. From an operational perspective, the book presents a collection of innovative, immediately applicable and highly effective techniques for the identification and analysis of stakeholders, and for the effective management of relations with them. Before this, the concept and the reality of stakeholders are analysed in depth, and the author first classifies these and then identifies the way in which they approach business.
Pirozzi demonstrates how the critical factor in the success of all projects is the satisfaction not only of requirements, but also of stakeholder expectations. And so, basing his argument on a different use of critical success factors, Pirozzi concludes by proposing a new method for the effective management of complexity and for the generation of value.
This book by Massimo Pirozzi is not always an easy read, but should nonetheless be tackled seriously in order to build a culture of production that is up to date and alert.
La prospettiva degli stakeholder. La gestione delle relazioni per aumentare il valore ed il tasso di successo dei progetti
Franco Angeli, 2020
The theme of project management approached from a different point of view
Behind and inside every business project are people. This may seem somewhat banal, but in reality, it is a fact that should not be taken for granted. Overwhelmed by the process of digitisation and by the vast number of new technologies that now exist, we often run the risk of forgetting the central element of any production organisation: the human being.
Hence the importance of reading La prospettiva degli stakeholder. La gestione delle relazioni per aumentare il valore ed il tasso di successo dei progetti (‘The perspective of stakeholders. Relationship management to increase the value and success rate of projects’), a book of little more than a hundred pages written by Massimo Pirozzi and based on the analysis of business projects from the point of view of individuals, i.e. those who – by force of habit – are often referred to as stakeholders.
The intention of the author is clear: to place the person at the heart of things, both with regard to projects and to the process of project management. The aim is not only to give greater weight to the human aspect of this work, but also to increase both the value it generates and the success rate of the projects themselves.
Pirozzi’s book is simply divided into two parts: in the first, he describes the stakeholders, while in the second, he addresses the correct approach to managing relations with and between stakeholders. From an operational perspective, the book presents a collection of innovative, immediately applicable and highly effective techniques for the identification and analysis of stakeholders, and for the effective management of relations with them. Before this, the concept and the reality of stakeholders are analysed in depth, and the author first classifies these and then identifies the way in which they approach business.
Pirozzi demonstrates how the critical factor in the success of all projects is the satisfaction not only of requirements, but also of stakeholder expectations. And so, basing his argument on a different use of critical success factors, Pirozzi concludes by proposing a new method for the effective management of complexity and for the generation of value.
This book by Massimo Pirozzi is not always an easy read, but should nonetheless be tackled seriously in order to build a culture of production that is up to date and alert.
La prospettiva degli stakeholder. La gestione delle relazioni per aumentare il valore ed il tasso di successo dei progetti
Franco Angeli, 2020