2023 Premio Campiello literary prize: the five runners-up
Friday 26 May saw the announcement of the five runners-up of the Premio Campiello, the prestigious literary prize for Italian fiction founded in 1962 by the Industrial Association of Veneto and sponsored, this year too, by Pirelli. As customary, the Selection Ceremony was held at the Auditorium of Palazzo del Bo, in Padua, where the Literary Jury chose the five short-listed books: –La Resistenza delle donne (Einaudi) by Benedetta Tobagi –Diario di un’estate marziana(Perrone) by Tommaso Pincio –Centomilioni (Einaudi) by Marta Cai –La Sibilla (Laterza) by Silvia Ballestra –In cerca di Pan (nottetempo) by Filippo Tuena The winner will be announced in Venice on 16 September 2023.