Human Inhuman Posthuman
In an expert look at history, Umano Inumano Postumano by Marco Revelli, published by Einaudi, examines “the challenges of the present”. Auschwitz and the Holocaust “break the threshold” between Human and Inhuman. “Inhumanity” has now become a feature of our world, with its profound social and personal rifts, as we see in the cruel way in which we are dealing with the epoch-making issue of migration. Technology, which is “made in the likeness of human beings”, such as Artificial Intelligence, brings into question many of the personal values that have long underpinned Western civilisation. We cannot give in to “technological dizziness” but we do need a cultural metamorphosis in order to rediscover human values, such as dignitas. And we must insist on ethics and look beyond the mere utility of our actions. Umano Inumano Postumano. Le sfide del presente Marco Revelli Einaudi, 2020