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Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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Primary schools
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.

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Lower secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.
Upper secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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Creative satisfied workers

Research just published on Impresa Progetto (Project Enterprise), Electronic Journal of Management, addresses and explains exhaustively the theme of job crafting


 Those who are satisfied work better. And if satisfaction is achieved through a path in which the workers play a leading role, the work is more productive, consistent with their own particular skill sets, approached in a more active and concrete manner, and less problematic. Job satisfaction and the ways to achieve it are one of the new frontiers of management  and more generally of good corporate governance. A cultural goal, before being an organisational goal.

One aspect of job satisfaction was the focus of work by Davide De Gennaro (researcher of the Department of Law at the University of Naples “Parthenope”), Filomena Buonocore (Associate Professor         of Business Organisation, Department of Law, University of Naples Parthenope) and Maria Ferrara (Professor of Business Organisation, Department     of Business Studies, University of Naples Parthenope). Their “Il significato del job crafting nell’organizzazione del lavoro. Inquadramento teorico, tendenze evolutive e prospettive manageriali”  (The meaning of job crafting in the organisation of work. Theoretical framework, evolutionary trends and managerial prospects) which was just published takes into consideration job crafting i.e. the practice which “means         for a    worker to behave proactively so as to make his or her job more rewarding and consistent with their own inclinations and skills”. This way, the authors explain, the actual possibility of changing the tasks of a worker is not only an exclusive power of management , but above all the possibility of workers affecting their activity also counts, and in a positive way, on their productivity and therefore on business results.

De Gennaro, Buonocore and Ferrara then examine job crafting both under a historical profile, as well as under a methodological profile, providing a thorough definition and especially analysing the aspects linked to the person and to the context.  The research however attempts to identify not only a new theoretical setting, but above all a series of good practices to be used in business. Job crafting, they explain for example, generates positive or negative effects “based on the way in which  managers allocate duties”. The three researchers particularly suggest that more room should be left for workers in the implementation of job crafting with respect to the more widespread custom.

The article by De Gennaro, Buonocore and Ferrara is very useful for a reason: it clarifies a subject that is still little known and it provides simply and exhaustively the most important elements to understand.

Il significato del job crafting nell’organizzazione del lavoro. Inquadramento teorico, tendenze evolutive e prospettive manageriali (The meaning of job crafting in the organisation of work. Theoretical framework, evolutionary trends and managerial prospects)

Davide de Gennaro, Filomena Buonocore, Maria Ferrara

Impresa Progetto, Electronic Journal of Management, 2, 2017

Research just published on Impresa Progetto (Project Enterprise), Electronic Journal of Management, addresses and explains exhaustively the theme of job crafting


 Those who are satisfied work better. And if satisfaction is achieved through a path in which the workers play a leading role, the work is more productive, consistent with their own particular skill sets, approached in a more active and concrete manner, and less problematic. Job satisfaction and the ways to achieve it are one of the new frontiers of management  and more generally of good corporate governance. A cultural goal, before being an organisational goal.

One aspect of job satisfaction was the focus of work by Davide De Gennaro (researcher of the Department of Law at the University of Naples “Parthenope”), Filomena Buonocore (Associate Professor         of Business Organisation, Department of Law, University of Naples Parthenope) and Maria Ferrara (Professor of Business Organisation, Department     of Business Studies, University of Naples Parthenope). Their “Il significato del job crafting nell’organizzazione del lavoro. Inquadramento teorico, tendenze evolutive e prospettive manageriali”  (The meaning of job crafting in the organisation of work. Theoretical framework, evolutionary trends and managerial prospects) which was just published takes into consideration job crafting i.e. the practice which “means         for a    worker to behave proactively so as to make his or her job more rewarding and consistent with their own inclinations and skills”. This way, the authors explain, the actual possibility of changing the tasks of a worker is not only an exclusive power of management , but above all the possibility of workers affecting their activity also counts, and in a positive way, on their productivity and therefore on business results.

De Gennaro, Buonocore and Ferrara then examine job crafting both under a historical profile, as well as under a methodological profile, providing a thorough definition and especially analysing the aspects linked to the person and to the context.  The research however attempts to identify not only a new theoretical setting, but above all a series of good practices to be used in business. Job crafting, they explain for example, generates positive or negative effects “based on the way in which  managers allocate duties”. The three researchers particularly suggest that more room should be left for workers in the implementation of job crafting with respect to the more widespread custom.

The article by De Gennaro, Buonocore and Ferrara is very useful for a reason: it clarifies a subject that is still little known and it provides simply and exhaustively the most important elements to understand.

Il significato del job crafting nell’organizzazione del lavoro. Inquadramento teorico, tendenze evolutive e prospettive manageriali (The meaning of job crafting in the organisation of work. Theoretical framework, evolutionary trends and managerial prospects)

Davide de Gennaro, Filomena Buonocore, Maria Ferrara

Impresa Progetto, Electronic Journal of Management, 2, 2017