Positivity in production
A book by a philosopher and a sociologist provides a new way to organise a business
Working together. With everything that a principle of this kind entails. What is only apparently easy is in reality extremely difficult to achieve. Entrepreneurs and managers know this only too well, as they strive every day to put into such a principle into practice in their business. And yet, the horizon of production appears increasingly in these terms: creating shared work and production environments and mechanisms – this is the right path towards development. Especially in situations like the one we are currently experiencing.
“La Scienza delle Organizzazioni Positive. Far fiorire le persone e ottenere risultati che superano le aspettative” (The Science of Positive Organisations. Making people thrive and getting results that exceed expectations) – a book written by four hands by Veruscka Gennari (philosopher with a remarkable experience in the area defined as “Applied emotional intelligence”) and Daniela Di Ciaccio (asociologist and consultant in the training and development of organisations) -, can help you understand more about this area of manufacturing organisation.
According to the two authors, the new business model needs to share a strong and collective purpose, supporting the emotional paradigm with the rational one, experimenting with coherence between culture and processes. These are necessary steps to give rise to organisations where “people flourish and get results that exceed expectations”. The book therefore integrates scientific information and managerial literature, also offering a practical outcome, thanks to the voices of experts and through various Italian success stories, which show that a new way of doing business, education, information and administration already exists in our country.
All this on the basis not only of the classical theory of manufacturing organisation, but especially of sciences such as chemistry, epigenetics, physics, biology, neurosciences. The entire text is underpinned by a basic principle: positivity and well-being “pay” because they activate the centres of learning, of creativity and of concentration, triggering a virtuous circle that translates into increased productivity and innovation.
An essential part of the book is the collection of a series of stories about businesses and entrepreneurs, such as Gianni Ferrario, Chimica Zero, “Rebranding Headquarters” (RBHQ), Money Surfers, Daniele Raspini, Zeta Service, Foxwin, Artademia.
The Book by Gennari and Ciaccio is an interesting read and above all it provides significant food for thought.
La Scienza delle Organizzazioni Positive. Far fiorire le persone e ottenere risultati che superano le aspettative (The Science of Positive Organisations. Making people thrive and getting results that exceed expectations9
Veruscka Gennari, Daniela Di Ciaccio
Franco Angeli, 2018
A book by a philosopher and a sociologist provides a new way to organise a business
Working together. With everything that a principle of this kind entails. What is only apparently easy is in reality extremely difficult to achieve. Entrepreneurs and managers know this only too well, as they strive every day to put into such a principle into practice in their business. And yet, the horizon of production appears increasingly in these terms: creating shared work and production environments and mechanisms – this is the right path towards development. Especially in situations like the one we are currently experiencing.
“La Scienza delle Organizzazioni Positive. Far fiorire le persone e ottenere risultati che superano le aspettative” (The Science of Positive Organisations. Making people thrive and getting results that exceed expectations) – a book written by four hands by Veruscka Gennari (philosopher with a remarkable experience in the area defined as “Applied emotional intelligence”) and Daniela Di Ciaccio (asociologist and consultant in the training and development of organisations) -, can help you understand more about this area of manufacturing organisation.
According to the two authors, the new business model needs to share a strong and collective purpose, supporting the emotional paradigm with the rational one, experimenting with coherence between culture and processes. These are necessary steps to give rise to organisations where “people flourish and get results that exceed expectations”. The book therefore integrates scientific information and managerial literature, also offering a practical outcome, thanks to the voices of experts and through various Italian success stories, which show that a new way of doing business, education, information and administration already exists in our country.
All this on the basis not only of the classical theory of manufacturing organisation, but especially of sciences such as chemistry, epigenetics, physics, biology, neurosciences. The entire text is underpinned by a basic principle: positivity and well-being “pay” because they activate the centres of learning, of creativity and of concentration, triggering a virtuous circle that translates into increased productivity and innovation.
An essential part of the book is the collection of a series of stories about businesses and entrepreneurs, such as Gianni Ferrario, Chimica Zero, “Rebranding Headquarters” (RBHQ), Money Surfers, Daniele Raspini, Zeta Service, Foxwin, Artademia.
The Book by Gennari and Ciaccio is an interesting read and above all it provides significant food for thought.
La Scienza delle Organizzazioni Positive. Far fiorire le persone e ottenere risultati che superano le aspettative (The Science of Positive Organisations. Making people thrive and getting results that exceed expectations9
Veruscka Gennari, Daniela Di Ciaccio
Franco Angeli, 2018