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Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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Primary schools
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.

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Lower secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.
Upper secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

Pirelli Foundation’s new educational courses for the 2024/2025 school year will soon be online.

Stay tuned!

The programme will be presented in September 2024. If you would like to take part, please click here.
Please fill in your details and the staff of Pirelli Foundation Educational will contact you to arrange the dates of the course.
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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The Foundation recommends

Books selected for you

Young people
  • 08 May 2024 Machines Like Me Ian McEwan’s novel is set in an alternative London, in 1982, in which England has lost the war against Argentina to control the Falkland Islands, the Beatles have ... +
  • 08 May 2024

    Machines Like Me

    Ian McEwan’s novel is set in an alternative London, in 1982, in which England has lost the war against Argentina to control the Falkland Islands, the Beatles have reunited, Alan Turing is still alive and his discoveries have enabled an incredible technological development. Among the most important inventions of this futuristic past there are already self-driving cars and the first prototypes of “synthetic humans”. The protagonist, Charlie Friend, receives a large inheritance after the loss of his mother and decides to use it to buy a robot, called Adam, of which there are only twelve examples in the world and thirteen of the female model, Eva. These androids aren’t just machines, sold as “companion items”, but are also capable of experiencing emotions and feelings. It’s a story that leads the reader to question what allows us to define ourselves as “human beings” and differentiate ourselves from artificial intelligences, when these develop their own conscience. A ‘uchronia’ that acts as a mirror to our present, to be reread in light of the increasingly rapid developments in AI, which are blurring the lines between science fiction and reality.  

    Macchine come me
    Ian McEwan
    Einaudi, 2019

    Machines Like Me
  • 26 April 2024 Who Speaks and Who is Silent In the seventies, Vittoria moves to Scauri, on the Lazio-Campania border. She arrives with Mara, a woman much younger than her. The rumours fly in the villages, covering ... +
  • 26 April 2024

    Who Speaks and Who is Silent

    In the seventies, Vittoria moves to Scauri, on the Lazio-Campania border. She arrives with Mara, a woman much younger than her. The rumours fly in the villages, covering every possibility: maybe it’s her adopted daughter, maybe she was kidnapped. Many things are spoken, many left silent. Vittoria is generous and affable, perhaps a little unusual; she has opened a boarding place for pets and is on good terms with everyone, but she never talks about her life. Twenty years after she arrives in Scauri, she is found dead in the bathtub and the episode is accepted as a tragic domestic accident. Lea Russo is a lawyer, a friend of Vittoria, who doesn’t resign herself to this explanation and wants to excavate the past to understand who this woman was and if it was really just misfortune. She will find herself in front of a difficult and unexpected experience, which will also push her to question herself, her relationship with her friend and what her life could have been – a multi-layered investigation, which will also lead her to discover the environment she lives in, people’s prejudices, changes in the village. Chiara Valerio’s latest novel is structured like a provincial detective story, but it transcends its genre, becoming a book that talks about love and possession, identity and changes, written with a fluid language, which plays with words and subverts rules.  

    Chi dice e chi tace
    Chiara Valerio
    Sellerio, 2024

    Who Speaks and Who is Silent
  • 10 April 2024 The Rare Metals War For decades, there has been talk of digital and environmental transition, transformations that continue unabated as the world becomes increasingly connected and, hopefully, more sustainable and environmentally friendly. ... +
  • 10 April 2024

    The Rare Metals War

    For decades, there has been talk of digital and environmental transition, transformations that continue unabated as the world becomes increasingly connected and, hopefully, more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Almost all of the innovations implemented, however, require intensive exploitation of the resources below the earth’s crust, in particular the so-called “rare-earth metals”, a group of 17 chemical elements central to the production of new technologies, from robotics to renewable energies and from artificial intelligence to consumer electronics. Control of these resources is a central issue for the geopolitical balance of the planet. French journalist Guillaume Pitron explains the risks involved in the intensive exploitation of these metals, the extraction and purification of which requires costly processes with a considerable environmental impact. It is a good read for exploring a topic that continues to raise burning questions, which require answers to prevent the dream of developing “green technologies” from turning into a nightmare.  

    La guerra dei metalli rari
    Guillaume Pitron
    Luiss University Press, 2019

    The Rare Metals War
  • 20 March 2024 The astrakhan coat A nameless protagonist tells the story of his life in post-war Paris in the first person. Drawn to France and its capital, seen as a Mecca to which ... +
  • 20 March 2024

    The astrakhan coat

    A nameless protagonist tells the story of his life in post-war Paris in the first person. Drawn to France and its capital, seen as a Mecca to which every man should make a pilgrimage in his life, the forty-year-old from Luino, on Lake Maggiore, goes to the shadow of the Eiffel Tower without a specific plan, seeking opportunities to change his life or at least adventures to tell people about when he returns to Italy. The man manages to convince a widow, Mrs. Lenormand, to rent him a room in her house, but he has to share it with the cat Domitien, who has no intention of leaving the room. The woman, at first hesitant and shy, gradually begins to get used to his presence and relates to him episodes of her life and that of her son Maurice who appears to have abandoned her to go and live in Indochina. The resemblance between Maurice and the young Italian, both physical and in terms of affinity of soul, strikes Mrs. Lenormand to the point that during the winter she decides to give him some of her son's clothes, including an Astrakhan coat, in the style of the Russian fashion at the time of the Tsars. At the same time, the protagonist begins to date a girl named Valentine, but one day she gets upset when she sees him wearing the coat, which reminds her of the one that belonged to a past love of hers. Piero Chiara writes a novel with a European feel. Despite starting from the places close to his heart, where most of his novels are set, it moves to the French capital, where the protagonist, perhaps partly an autobiographical character, tries to find a broader horizon than that of the quiet Italian province. The author also retraces the places of his life on the pages of the Pirelli Magazine, in which he publishes two articles: “La sponda magra” (The lean shore) in 1952, in which he describes a spring trip on the shores of Lake Maggiore, and “Valsolda piccolo mondo” (Valsolda small world) in 1962, in which he tells of a visit to the Lombard valley between Lakes Como and Lugano, following in the footsteps of Antonio Fogazzaro.  

    Il cappotto di astrakan
    Piero Chiara
    Mondadori, 1978

    The astrakhan coat
  • 15 May 2024 I Wish I Could Tell You There are pen and paper in a drawer, a letter to write and a little fox struggling to find the right words. He wants to write to his ... +
  • 15 May 2024

    I Wish I Could Tell You

    There are pen and paper in a drawer, a letter to write and a little fox struggling to find the right words. He wants to write to his grandmother: she’s been very tired lately,; it’s difficult to talk to her but he’d like her to feel those feelings they’ve built together through wonderful experiences, big and small surprises, objects she’s never separated from. But no matter how much he tries, nothing appears on the page. It will only be when, one morning, mummy fox gives him the bad news that, after initial disbelief, the little one will realise that, only by embracing his pain, the right words will find the way.   Vorrei dirti (I Wish I Could Tell You) is a moving book, illustrated by Chiaki Okada, which fully expresses the poetics of Jean-François Sénéchal. The author, with his usual style, delicately brings young readers closer to the theme of separating from loved ones, but also presents writing as a way of processing and expressing love, even before pain or mourning. The choice of an epistolary form represents the perfect narrative device to directly and effectively lend a voice to the protagonist’s thoughts and the difficult attempt to find a way to say goodbye. With tenderness and depth, Sénéchal, who has already written novels for older readers, follows the crescendo of the fox’s emotions and helps the reader through all the stages of mourning: from the initial shock to denial, through pain and anger to acceptance and rebuilding. Chiaki Okada’s dreamy style accompanies the protagonist, author and reader on this journey, not drawing on a specific forest and therefore making it universal – just as the pain of loss is universal. It’s a book that takes just a few sentences to shake the soul, but also to caress it delicately.  

    Vorrei dirti
    by Jean-François Sénéchal
    EDT, 2024

    I Wish I Could Tell You
  • 30 April 2024 Letter to a girl from the future “Become the world you would like in yourself.” This is the opening of Lettera a una ragazza del futuro (letter to a girl from the future), which Concita ... +
  • 30 April 2024

    Letter to a girl from the future

    “Become the world you would like in yourself.” This is the opening of Lettera a una ragazza del futuro (letter to a girl from the future), which Concita De Gregorio, one of the leading writers in Italian journalism today, dedicates to the girls of the future, addressing a girl from the past first of all, the girl she was herself. But since, as every young person knows, the advice of adults can often fall on deaf ears, this letter is intended as a place to find it when readers are seeking it, whatever stage of life they may be in. Sweet words, bitter words, raw words that the author accompanies with Mariachiara Di Giorgio’s delicate illustrations, oscillating between past and future, but always directing her gaze on the present. In just fifty-three pages, Concita De Gregorio has composed an ode to kindness towards oneself and towards others. With an intimate, almost maternal tone, she addresses the great universal themes, like love, friendship, career and the pursuit of happiness. All, ultimately, under one umbrella: be free of conditioning, “don’t let a role be your cage, what others expect of you”, “make sure you don’t need people with power, because only then will you be free”. And she concludes: make your own choices, always and to the end, but remember to start with kindness: “Be kind, and then do what you will.”  

    Lettera a una ragazza del futuro
    by Concita De Gregorio with illustrations by Mariachiara Di Giorgio
    Feltrinelli, 2021

    Letter to a girl from the future
  • 17 April 2024 In Song The mystery of life emerging from matter and the first steps of humanity learning to name things find expression in a visionary journey through time that seems to ... +
  • 17 April 2024

    In Song

    The mystery of life emerging from matter and the first steps of humanity learning to name things find expression in a visionary journey through time that seems to sing the wonder of the cosmos. In Canto (in song) celebrates the moment when everything began, the arrival of the word that generates and shapes the world, the creatures that inhabit it. Starting from Alessandro Sanna’s watercolours, Giusi Quarenghi’s words give a name to everything and – so doing – bear witness to and acknowledge its existence, identify its characteristics and meaning. The word, the authors seem to tell us, is as generative as Creation itself. In the book, there are many white spaces, few words, and colour is mainly used to dazzle and broaden readers’ horizons, using geometric elements to articulate transforming matter. Starry skies, sunrises, sunsets, galaxies, trees and islands emerge this way. Sanna and Quarenghi bring the material world and the sacred dimension together, reminding the reader of the place that humanity came from and how important it is to take responsibility for preserving it. A hymn to the right, and perhaps even more to the duty, to say, to name, to put words and images into song.  

    In Canto
    by Giusi Quarenghi with illustrations by Alessandro Sanna
    Terre di Mezzo, 2023

    In Song
  • 20 March 2024 Revolting Rhymes Imagine Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White become BFFs, and then Jack, who everyone knows for having traded a cow for a bean, falls madly in love ... +
  • 20 March 2024

    Revolting Rhymes

    Imagine Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White become BFFs, and then Jack, who everyone knows for having traded a cow for a bean, falls madly in love with his neighbour Cinderella. Imagine then that the cleverest of the three little pigs has become nothing less than a banker and that Prince Charming - if the truth be told - is not quite so “charming” after all. What fairy tales would we end up with? Roald Dahl is ready and more than willing to give us a hint. Revolting Rhymes is a 1982 collection of comic nursery rhymes, written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. A book in which the most extravagant author of children's literature transforms, overturns and reinvents some famous traditional fables and fairy tales (such as Cinderella, Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs) and the stories of their protagonists with ironic and often surprising results. The verses that come to life on the page seem whispered in the ear of the young reader “by a tiny devil” who enjoys distorting the originals (or perhaps recounting for the first time those truths that adults have never wanted children to know). The plots are thus full of unscrupulous female protagonists, endowed with sharp wit, intelligence and common sense, but also host the weaving of different stories, fun and unexpected crossovers, stories in which the characters rebel and changes direction, moving away from the endings “already written” for them. The new endings, proposed by the author, will be far from ordinary: comedic, suspenseful, adventurous and — why not? — even a little bit horror. All in a game of style — Roald Dahl’s own inimitable one, cleverly translated by Roberto Piumini — in which turning things upside down, pranks and persuasion merge with plot twists, macabre traits and dark humour. On the other hand, did you really believe in 'happy ever afters'?  

    Revolting Rhymes (Versi perversi)
    by Roald Dahl; With the translation by Roberto Piumini
    Salani, 2016

    Revolting Rhymes

From the world of books

Events and fairs
literary anniversaries
  • 04 April 2024 BCBF 2024 Bologna Children's Book Fair, one of the most important fairs dedicated to publishing for children and young people, returns from 8 to 11 April with its sixty-first edition, ... +
  • 04 April 2024

    BCBF 2024

    Bologna Children's Book Fair, one of the most important fairs dedicated to publishing for children and young people, returns from 8 to 11 April with its sixty-first edition, to be held at BolognaFiere. More than 1,500 exhibitors from about 100 countries and regions all over the world will take part in the 2024 edition.  This year's Guest of Honour country is Slovenia and one of the main themes is sustainability. BolognaBookPlus (BBPlus) and Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids (BLTF/K) are back again this year. The exhibition will host many children's literature prizes, and the TV/Film Rights Centre will feature in this edition’s novelties. To find out more, click here.

    BCBF 2024
  • 06 March 2024 Book Pride 2024 The 8th edition of the independent publishing fair will take place from 10 to 12 March at Superstudio Maxi Milano, in Via Tortona. “What we want” will be ... +
  • 06 March 2024

    Book Pride 2024

    The 8th edition of the independent publishing fair will take place from 10 to 12 March at Superstudio Maxi Milano, in Via Tortona. “What we want” will be the theme - and the manifesto - of the 2024 edition As always, this year's programme is full of events, with more than 200 publishers, 550 Italian and international guests, a new section dedicated to sport, workshops for schools and a space dedicated to the world of comics. To see the full programme click here.

    Book Pride 2024
  • 20 February 2024 Campiello Junior 2024 – Award ceremony for the winners The ceremony to announce the winners of the third edition of the Campiello Junior Award will be held on Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 11 am, at the ... +
  • 20 February 2024

    Campiello Junior 2024 – Award ceremony for the winners

    The ceremony to announce the winners of the third edition of the Campiello Junior Award will be held on Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 11 am, at the Municipal Theatre of Vicenza - Sala del Ridotto. The event will be presented by Valentina De Poli with the participation of Davide Stefanato. Speakers will include Mariacristina Gribaudi, Chairman of the Campiello Award Management Committee, and Antonio Calabrò, Director of the Pirelli Foundation. The winners will be chosen by a popular jury composed of 240 children between 7 and 14 years old, from all over Italy and also from abroad, divided into two categories: 7-10 years and 11-14 years.

    Campiello Junior 2024 – Award ceremony for the winners
  • 01 December 2023 ‘Più libri più liberi’ Fair This year too, at the “La Nuvola” Convention Centre in the EUR in Rome, Più libri più liberi is back, the National Fair dedicated to Small and Medium ... +
  • 01 December 2023

    ‘Più libri più liberi’ Fair

    This year too, at the “La Nuvola” Convention Centre in the EUR in Rome, Più libri più liberi is back, the National Fair dedicated to Small and Medium Publishers, promoted and organised by Associazione Italiana Editori (AIE - the Italian publishers association). From 6 to 10 December, the 22nd edition of the Fair features a packed programme with over 600 meetings and around 594 exhibitors. The theme of this edition will be “Names, things, towns, animals”, the Italian version of the kids game Categories, so that as they play they understand that some rules need to be set, and changed when needed, to be free in a community. To see the full programme click here.

    ‘Più libri più liberi’ Fair
  • 23 April 2024 William Shakespeare William Shakespeare died in Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April 1616. The English 'Bard' is considered the most important playwright of all time and the most representative author of English ... +
  • 23 April 2024

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare died in Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April 1616. The English 'Bard' is considered the most important playwright of all time and the most representative author of English literature. The scant information that has reached historians has often given rise to debates about his life and the attribution of his works. The date of his death is deemed to coincide with the passings of Miguel de Cervantes and Garcilaso de la Vega and was chosen by UNESCO as the date on which World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated.

    William Shakespeare
  • 17 April 2024 Gabriel García Márquez Gabriel García Márquez was born in Aracataca, in Colombia, on 6 March, 1927, and died in Mexico City on 17 April, 2014. García Márquez was one of the ... +
  • 17 April 2024

    Gabriel García Márquez

    Gabriel García Márquez was born in Aracataca, in Colombia, on 6 March, 1927, and died in Mexico City on 17 April, 2014. García Márquez was one of the 20th century’s most important Latin American authors and a leading exponent of the magic realism movement. In ‘Cien años de soledad’ (One Hundred Years of Solitude), he takes us to a magical and imaginary Caribbean city, Macondo, where the events surrounding seven generations of the Buendia family, whose forefather José Arcadio founded the city, take place.

    Gabriel García Márquez
  • 08 April 2024 John Fante John Fante was born in Denver on 8 April 1909 and died in Los Angeles on 8 May 1983. Fante achieved success with the series of books dedicated ... +
  • 08 April 2024

    John Fante

    John Fante was born in Denver on 8 April 1909 and died in Los Angeles on 8 May 1983. Fante achieved success with the series of books dedicated to the character of Arturo Bandini, his alter ego, the most famous of which is 'Ask the Dust'. Bandini, a scrappy Italian-American wannabe writer who engages in odd jobs, is a megalomaniac, a shameless and intolerant character who constantly attacks convention with biting irony.

    John Fante
  • 26 March 2024 Raymond Chandler Raymond Thornton Chandler was born in Chicago on July 23, 1888 and died in La Jolla, California, on March 26, 1959. Chandler was a writer and screenwriter, and ... +
  • 26 March 2024

    Raymond Chandler

    Raymond Thornton Chandler was born in Chicago on July 23, 1888 and died in La Jolla, California, on March 26, 1959. Chandler was a writer and screenwriter, and is remembered for refining the “hard boiled” genre, born in the 1920s with the novels of Dashiell Hammett and much more realistic than the crime novel of those years. The protagonist of most of his novels is detective Phillip Marlowe, remembered for his portrayals on the silver screen by great actors, including Humphrey Bogart in “The Big Sleep” in 1946.

    Raymond Chandler