Cultural enterprises
Federculture’s 17th report takes a snapshot of a segment that expresses the best Italian qualities.
Enterprises as cultural tools, and culture as a context within which corporate roles and methods can help to better enhance territorial heritage – hence, cultural enterprises. As in the title of Federculture’s 17th annual report: Impresa cultura. Progettare e ripartire. (Cultural enterprises. Planning and restarting.) A collaborative work that, for many years now, has been discussing the issues that surround the diverse assortment of policies, consumption trends and cultural enterprises; a kind of compass to navigate amongst analyses, data and indicators; a snapshot that reveals hidden issues and open questions, but also the extraordinary potential of what, in Italy, is generally encapsulated in the term “culture”.
The 2021 edition of the Report, just like the 2020 edition, could not but focus its thoughts and analyses on the situation currently experienced by cultural institutions that are still grappling – just like other areas of Italy’s economic and social life – with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, though also casting a glance towards the future and the challenges that await them. The book, therefore, offers a broad overview that illustrates the new cultural, social and economic scenarios introduced by COVID-19 in this past year and, through essays and in-depth investigations, tackles aspects related to our present circumstances and issues that have fiercely arisen in recent times. To learn and analyse more thoroughly the state of the sector, Federculture has undertaken a field study and interviewed, by means of a survey, a wide array of cultural organisations and enterprises. The results are collected in the report and prompt valuable observations on how the sector reacted to the crisis, on its current situation, and on its expectations for the recovery.
What matters most, however, is reflecting on the strategies that will steer the new, challenging season of recovery that awaits the cultural sector – and the whole country.
One of the important messages readers can take away from this book is that, in the restarting phase that is approaching us, the ability to enhance and innovate both our cultural heritage and the whole economic structure related to creativity and beauty will be of the utmost importance.
“Impresa cultura”, then, is a good tool to better and more deeply understand one of the most significant aspects of Italian society and economy – its overall culture, which is the best expression of the Italian character.
Impresa cultura. Progettare e ripartire. (Cultural enterprise. Planning and restarting.) Federculture 2021 17th annual report
AA.VV., Federculture, Cangemi Editore, 2021

Federculture’s 17th report takes a snapshot of a segment that expresses the best Italian qualities.
Enterprises as cultural tools, and culture as a context within which corporate roles and methods can help to better enhance territorial heritage – hence, cultural enterprises. As in the title of Federculture’s 17th annual report: Impresa cultura. Progettare e ripartire. (Cultural enterprises. Planning and restarting.) A collaborative work that, for many years now, has been discussing the issues that surround the diverse assortment of policies, consumption trends and cultural enterprises; a kind of compass to navigate amongst analyses, data and indicators; a snapshot that reveals hidden issues and open questions, but also the extraordinary potential of what, in Italy, is generally encapsulated in the term “culture”.
The 2021 edition of the Report, just like the 2020 edition, could not but focus its thoughts and analyses on the situation currently experienced by cultural institutions that are still grappling – just like other areas of Italy’s economic and social life – with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, though also casting a glance towards the future and the challenges that await them. The book, therefore, offers a broad overview that illustrates the new cultural, social and economic scenarios introduced by COVID-19 in this past year and, through essays and in-depth investigations, tackles aspects related to our present circumstances and issues that have fiercely arisen in recent times. To learn and analyse more thoroughly the state of the sector, Federculture has undertaken a field study and interviewed, by means of a survey, a wide array of cultural organisations and enterprises. The results are collected in the report and prompt valuable observations on how the sector reacted to the crisis, on its current situation, and on its expectations for the recovery.
What matters most, however, is reflecting on the strategies that will steer the new, challenging season of recovery that awaits the cultural sector – and the whole country.
One of the important messages readers can take away from this book is that, in the restarting phase that is approaching us, the ability to enhance and innovate both our cultural heritage and the whole economic structure related to creativity and beauty will be of the utmost importance.
“Impresa cultura”, then, is a good tool to better and more deeply understand one of the most significant aspects of Italian society and economy – its overall culture, which is the best expression of the Italian character.
Impresa cultura. Progettare e ripartire. (Cultural enterprise. Planning and restarting.) Federculture 2021 17th annual report
AA.VV., Federculture, Cangemi Editore, 2021