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How do you succeed

The formula for growth and economic development translated into reality in a region


There are people and areas behind the success of businesses. It’s not about calculation alone, therefore, but much more, different factors. If you want to find a formula – a model – to indicate the elements in the success of a company or group of companies at all costs, elements that definitely have to be present are the community spirit and the innovation that can emerge from it. It means business culture, certainly, but at a high level. This may also be the message of Modello Emilia. Imprese innovative e spirito di comunità (Emilia Model: innovative businesses and community spirit) by Franco Mosconi published a few months ago, which says it all right from the title.

Mosconi attempts to answer a series of questions that could apply to any industrial area. Why are exports per capita so high? Why are rates of development so high? Why is it so strongly and intensely attractive? And why is the rate of emplyment so high (also for women)? More generally, Mosconi tries – successfully – to explain the reasons or Emilia’s economic and social growth, which has actualy surpassed all other Italian industrial districts.

Through an attentive, detailed survey over the entire Aemilian Way, Mosconi shows how the success of Emilia-Romagna results from a special relationship between the state, the market and the community, embodied in the so-called ‘Third Pillar’. This approach is not restricted to the economic dimension, but comprehensively affects the social dimension, as demonstrated by the results achieved in terms of innovative capacity and human capital formation.

At least two concept pairs are highlighted. The first – people and community – focuses on the inseparable link between developments and the human component; the second – efficiency and equity – emphasises social and economic organisation that is both effective and respects rights. Mosconi then concludes by indicating six “key factors” of the Emilia model: the manufacturing tradition that is still present, the growth in the dimensions of companies, production specialisation and quality, capacity for investment and technological innovation, the proactive role of institutions, the importance of the community the real ‘Third Pillar’ of development.

Modello Emilia. Imprese innovative e spirito di comunità

Franco Mosconi

Post Editori, 2023

The formula for growth and economic development translated into reality in a region


There are people and areas behind the success of businesses. It’s not about calculation alone, therefore, but much more, different factors. If you want to find a formula – a model – to indicate the elements in the success of a company or group of companies at all costs, elements that definitely have to be present are the community spirit and the innovation that can emerge from it. It means business culture, certainly, but at a high level. This may also be the message of Modello Emilia. Imprese innovative e spirito di comunità (Emilia Model: innovative businesses and community spirit) by Franco Mosconi published a few months ago, which says it all right from the title.

Mosconi attempts to answer a series of questions that could apply to any industrial area. Why are exports per capita so high? Why are rates of development so high? Why is it so strongly and intensely attractive? And why is the rate of emplyment so high (also for women)? More generally, Mosconi tries – successfully – to explain the reasons or Emilia’s economic and social growth, which has actualy surpassed all other Italian industrial districts.

Through an attentive, detailed survey over the entire Aemilian Way, Mosconi shows how the success of Emilia-Romagna results from a special relationship between the state, the market and the community, embodied in the so-called ‘Third Pillar’. This approach is not restricted to the economic dimension, but comprehensively affects the social dimension, as demonstrated by the results achieved in terms of innovative capacity and human capital formation.

At least two concept pairs are highlighted. The first – people and community – focuses on the inseparable link between developments and the human component; the second – efficiency and equity – emphasises social and economic organisation that is both effective and respects rights. Mosconi then concludes by indicating six “key factors” of the Emilia model: the manufacturing tradition that is still present, the growth in the dimensions of companies, production specialisation and quality, capacity for investment and technological innovation, the proactive role of institutions, the importance of the community the real ‘Third Pillar’ of development.

Modello Emilia. Imprese innovative e spirito di comunità

Franco Mosconi

Post Editori, 2023