Learning also with AI
An effective summary of the applications of Artificial Intelligence to the training needs of organisations has been published.
Learning quickly but above all more effectively (and easily) is an important goal, also in work environments. The goal is also not only to enrich general culture and business culture in particular, but within production organisations to acquire basic knowledge of decisive importance in increasing safety at work and accuracy in jobs and tasks that need to be performed. The process of training can now be explored more easily starting from a better clarification of training needs and the use of artificial intelligence.
Mario Vitolo and Francesco Santopaolo ponder these issues in their recent article in FOR – Rivista per la formazione.
“Analisi del fabbisogno formativo e Intelligenza artificiale” (analysis of training needs and artificial intelligence) seeks to outline the (constructive) relationships between identifying training needs, AI and the tools that digital technologies make available. It is a sort of review of this intersection as it currently stands, serving as a foundation for further investigation.
The position of the authors is that if e-learning has added flexibility to training and learning, artificial intelligence “will play a significant role in supporting analysis of training demand and defining needs in organisational contexts, providing a valuable contribution at all stages of the process.” In other words, Vitolo and Santopaolo see AI as a kind of accelerator for the process of identifying gaps and areas for improvement in organisations. This goal can be achieved through various routes, from the use of more traditional methods to ones focusing on advanced procedures. But there’s more to it than that.
AI can add the results from training to training needs analysis, a more effective and rapid check that seems to represent the real contribution that AI can make to a delicate phase in the growth of businesses: staff training and training updates.
It’s a captivating scenario – one that Vitolo and Santopaolo have the merit of summarising – which nonetheless must not distract from the complexity and delicacy of the subject addressed: human culture (applied to production).
Analisi del fabbisogno formativo e Intelligenza artificiale
Mario Vitolo, Francesco Santopaolo
FOR – Rivista per la formazione, Fascicolo 2023/3
An effective summary of the applications of Artificial Intelligence to the training needs of organisations has been published.
Learning quickly but above all more effectively (and easily) is an important goal, also in work environments. The goal is also not only to enrich general culture and business culture in particular, but within production organisations to acquire basic knowledge of decisive importance in increasing safety at work and accuracy in jobs and tasks that need to be performed. The process of training can now be explored more easily starting from a better clarification of training needs and the use of artificial intelligence.
Mario Vitolo and Francesco Santopaolo ponder these issues in their recent article in FOR – Rivista per la formazione.
“Analisi del fabbisogno formativo e Intelligenza artificiale” (analysis of training needs and artificial intelligence) seeks to outline the (constructive) relationships between identifying training needs, AI and the tools that digital technologies make available. It is a sort of review of this intersection as it currently stands, serving as a foundation for further investigation.
The position of the authors is that if e-learning has added flexibility to training and learning, artificial intelligence “will play a significant role in supporting analysis of training demand and defining needs in organisational contexts, providing a valuable contribution at all stages of the process.” In other words, Vitolo and Santopaolo see AI as a kind of accelerator for the process of identifying gaps and areas for improvement in organisations. This goal can be achieved through various routes, from the use of more traditional methods to ones focusing on advanced procedures. But there’s more to it than that.
AI can add the results from training to training needs analysis, a more effective and rapid check that seems to represent the real contribution that AI can make to a delicate phase in the growth of businesses: staff training and training updates.
It’s a captivating scenario – one that Vitolo and Santopaolo have the merit of summarising – which nonetheless must not distract from the complexity and delicacy of the subject addressed: human culture (applied to production).
Analisi del fabbisogno formativo e Intelligenza artificiale
Mario Vitolo, Francesco Santopaolo
FOR – Rivista per la formazione, Fascicolo 2023/3