Pirelli Libraries for Campiello Junior
The Pirelli libraries, together with the Fondazione Campiello, have launched a new award for children and young people, in the belief that reading plays a key role in the education of the young. The award is the Premio Campiello Junior for Italian works of fiction and poetry, open to children between the ages of 10 and 14, which was launched in its first edition in 2021/2022.

“This prize rewards those who write
living stories, and who, through writing
that is never demeaned by sermonising
entrusts to beauty all that has value,
responding to the vision of children,
to their exacting and timid curiosity,
to their silent,
at times cantankerous
need and desire for words.”
This previously unpublished poem by Roberto Piumini opens the events devoted to the first edition of the Premio Campiello Junior, which came about through the partnership between the Pirelli Libraries and the Premio Campiello.