The first Pirelli library was set up in 1928, when a subscription library with 800 books was made available to personnel who were members of the Dopolavoro Aziende Pirelli, the workers’ club. It was one of the first examples of a company promoting reading and the start of long tradition that Pirelli has continued to this day with company libraries in the Headquarters at Milano Bicocca, in the factory in Bollate and in the Industrial Centre in Settimo Torinese. But there is more, for the company has also been collecting scientific texts for over a century, and these now form part of the Scientific and Technical Library at the Pirelli Foundation. The panorama of Pirelli libraries ends with the Pirelli Foundation Library, which has books ranging from the history of the company to corporate communication.
Parole Insieme
Premio Campiello
Campiello Junior
The Foundation recommends
Reading age: from 11 years
Ho sognato la cioccolata per anni
Trudi Birger
Pickwick, 2013

The Foundation recommends