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Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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Primary schools
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses
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Lower secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses
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Upper secondary school
Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses
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Pirelli Foundation Educational Courses

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Preserving Knowledge
and Promoting Reading

Preserving Knowledge
and Promoting Reading

The first Pirelli library was set up in 1928, when a subscription library with 800 books was made available to personnel who were members of the Dopolavoro Aziende Pirelli, the workers’ club. It was one of the first examples of a company promoting reading and the start of long tradition that Pirelli has continued to this day with company libraries in the Headquarters at Milano Bicocca, in the factory in Bollate and in the Industrial Centre in ​​Settimo Torinese. But there is more, for the company has also been collecting scientific texts for over a century, and these now form part of the Scientific and Technical Library at the Pirelli Foundation. The panorama of Pirelli libraries ends with the Pirelli Foundation Library, which has books ranging from the history of the company to corporate communication.



Parole Insieme

Premio Campiello

Campiello Junior

Books selected for you
From the world of books

The Foundation recommends

The Fable of Mother Bat
Which family do bats belong to? To that of mice, with which they share their large ears? To that of birds, since they, too, fly? Or to that of humans, who breastfeed their young, just like bats? In the African fable, Mother Bat decides one day to go off and...
visit some of her relatives but, when she meets them, none of them recognise her. In a simple, direct form of storytelling, she expresses what it is like not to feel included. Mice, of course, cannot fly; birds have no teeth; and humans do not hunt by night. So Mother Bat is rejected by all the animal “relatives” she approaches. They can only see what makes them different and, blinded by stereotypes, they fail to see beyond them. Like all fables, the story of Mother Bat, which is freely adapted from a tale by Babacar Mbaye Ndaak, a Senegalese author and singer, offers a moral. Disheartened and frustrated, she returns home after being rejected. She and her little ones decide that, from now on, they will live their own way, hanging upside down from a tree. This illustrates the triumph of individuality over stereotype, and offers a charming explanation of what gave rise to such truly special creatures. Marta Solazzo’s colourful and whimsical illustrations bring the story to life for young readers, adding a touch of levity and humour to the tale. This is a children’s book with a memorable story.

La favola di Mamma Pipistrello
Freely adapted from a story by Babacar Mbaye Ndaak, with ilustrations by Marta Solazzo
Modu Modu, 2013

The Foundation recommends

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2024
From 16 to 20 October, the Frankfurter Buchmesse, now in its 76th edition, will be held in Frankfurt. One of the world's leading book fairs, it is the most important in Europe in terms of literary rights sales. In keeping with tradition, each year the fair features a Guest of...
From 16 to 20 October, the Frankfurter Buchmesse, now in its 76th edition, will be held in Frankfurt. One of the world's leading book fairs, it is the most important in Europe in terms of literary rights sales. In keeping with tradition, each year the fair features a Guest of Honour country, and in 2024, after a 36-year hiatus, it will be Italy’s turn. Italy will be represented in a pavilion designed by the architect Stefano Boeri, under the theme "Roots in the Future", devoted to Italian culture. Here Pirelli will showcase its corporate culture, presenting its story through books and videos. The display will highlight the company’s core values: innovation, technology, and art, as well as its multidisciplinary corporate culture. A series of Pirelli publications will be on show, from those of the Pirelli Foundation to the Pirelli HangarBicocca catalogues, a commemorative book marking 50 years of The Cal, and the company's Annual Reports. Over the years, many prominent Italian and international authors have contributed to these works, including Emmanuel Carrère, Javier Cercas, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Adam Greenfield, Lisa Halliday, Nicola Lagioia, Joe Lansdale, Javier Marías, Ian McEwan, John Joseph "J.R." Moehringer and many others.

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