The culture of production organisation
Recently republished in Italy, this book addresses one of the most interesting subjects of corporate culture
Men and women bring productive organisations to life and both manage to shape the outcomes with behaviours that are different every time. It is good to try and outline careful analysis to understand its meaning and evolution. Studying organisational behaviour is still useful for those who want to get a better understanding of the state and the evolution of companies. Reading the third edition of Comportamento organizzativo (“Organisational behaviour”), written by Massimo Pilati and Henry Tosi, is a good route to take.
The book provides a systematic, scientific and up-to-date analysis of organisational behaviour studies, in relation to both the main theoretical frameworks and the most relevant results from empirical research. Particular attention is paid to the applications and managerial implications of studying organisational behaviour. Written by a professor of corporate organisation and by a professor emeritus of organisation and management, the book illustrates the study of behaviour within production organisations, using multidisciplinary theoretical and research perspectives, in a psychological, sociological and economic matrix. A common objective of this discipline emerges from the pages of the book: study the actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organisations, to understand and predict the determinants of individual, group, and organisational performance, and to explain how they work, identifying potential areas for improvement.
To achieve this goal, Pilati and Tosi begin by addressing character analysis and then the mechanisms related to attitudes, emotions, perceptions and judgements, from the perspective of individuals. Next, they move on to thinking about relationships between individuals and then to the links between people and productive organisations.
The subject matter of the book is certainly not easy, but the pages are written in direct and simple language. What matters most is the development of close links between organisational behaviour and the more general production culture that shapes an entire company.
Comportamento organizzativo
Massimo Pilati, Henry Tosi
EGEA, 2020

Recently republished in Italy, this book addresses one of the most interesting subjects of corporate culture
Men and women bring productive organisations to life and both manage to shape the outcomes with behaviours that are different every time. It is good to try and outline careful analysis to understand its meaning and evolution. Studying organisational behaviour is still useful for those who want to get a better understanding of the state and the evolution of companies. Reading the third edition of Comportamento organizzativo (“Organisational behaviour”), written by Massimo Pilati and Henry Tosi, is a good route to take.
The book provides a systematic, scientific and up-to-date analysis of organisational behaviour studies, in relation to both the main theoretical frameworks and the most relevant results from empirical research. Particular attention is paid to the applications and managerial implications of studying organisational behaviour. Written by a professor of corporate organisation and by a professor emeritus of organisation and management, the book illustrates the study of behaviour within production organisations, using multidisciplinary theoretical and research perspectives, in a psychological, sociological and economic matrix. A common objective of this discipline emerges from the pages of the book: study the actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organisations, to understand and predict the determinants of individual, group, and organisational performance, and to explain how they work, identifying potential areas for improvement.
To achieve this goal, Pilati and Tosi begin by addressing character analysis and then the mechanisms related to attitudes, emotions, perceptions and judgements, from the perspective of individuals. Next, they move on to thinking about relationships between individuals and then to the links between people and productive organisations.
The subject matter of the book is certainly not easy, but the pages are written in direct and simple language. What matters most is the development of close links between organisational behaviour and the more general production culture that shapes an entire company.
Comportamento organizzativo
Massimo Pilati, Henry Tosi
EGEA, 2020