Company Libraries
In October 2016 Pirelli opened two company libraries that are run by the Pirelli Foundation at the Milano-Bicocca Headquarters and in the Bollate factory. These joined the Library of the Pirelli Industrial Centre in Settimo Torinese, which has been active for some years now. The new Pirelli libraries form part of a long tradition that dates back to 1928, when the company set up its first library.
Today as back then, Pirelli company libraries are lively and dynamic places, where employees can find the latest best-selling novels but also books on history, non-fiction, art catalogues and children’s books. The libraries are an integral part of many projects introduced by the company to improve the quality of life and the workplace.
In constant dialogue with the city and its cultural institutions, in 2018 Pirelli started working with the City of Milan on a plan to integrate the Bicocca library in the Milanese library circuit, along the lines set in Settimo Torinese, which has been working with the Library System of the Turin Metropolitan Area (SBAM) for some years.