The Enchantment of the Moon Fish
Gonzalo, a funeral director and the protagonist of this novel, has the same unusual profession as the author, Ade Zeno, who as well as being a playwright and writer, works at the Turin crematorium. At the heart of the story is the fate of Inés, the director’s daughter, who falls into a coma when she is eight years old and remains poised between life and death. Unexpected hope for the child comes when Gonzalo is contacted by Malaguti, the emissary of a rich and powerful family who promise to have a private clinic take care of the child. The condition is that Gonzalo must accept a very particular assignment: he will have to procure corpses to satisfy the mysterious appetites of Miss Marisòl, the head of the mysterious family. A visionary horror story, in which the macabre reality of the novel is mixed together with recollections of the relationship between Gonzalo and little Inés, and with fairy tales like the one of King Sadness and the Moon Fish, from which the novel takes its title. Let's discover the book together with the author in this video dedicated to Pirelli readers, L’incanto del pesce luna Ade Zeno Bollati Boringhieri, 2020