Poesie del camminare
Walking is made up of steps, of legs in motion, of heartbeats. Yet, at the same time, it is the place of discoveries, of encounters, of thoughts that develop and of doubts that dissolve or of ideas that become progressively and inexplicably clearer. Walking marks the passage of time, accompanies the experience of growth and awareness.
Poesie del camminare (walking poems) by Carlo Marconi is presented as an illustrated book of twenty-eight poems in ten lines (two quatrains and a couplet) with alternating rhyme or rhyming couplets. Each one is in close dialogue with the images created from the work of Serena Viola that embellish it. It’s a necessary connection, to provide the reader with an immersive experience of walking, a walk that encapsulates childhood and children: rhymes that outline the little movements that give all of our lives meaning, invite us to travel and seize upon every aspect of our greatest adventure, life and many of the great themes that come with it.
It’s a book that’s perfect for people who love to turn around, observe the footprints left in the sand or on the ground, for those who want to know themselves, whether they’re grown-ups or little ones.
Poesie del camminare
by Carlo Marconi
Lapis Edizioni