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Paginas Pirelli

After Fatti e Notizie first came out in 1950 as a periodical magazine for Pirelli staff in Italy, similar publications were launched in various countries where Pirelli was based. In 1955 it was the turn of Paginas Pirelli, edited by Industria Pirelli S.A.I.C. in Buenos Aires.

The magazine was launched as a monthly, with the aim of forming a bond between the employees of Pirelli Argentina and it initially focused on news about what was going on in the factories, the sports activities of the Centro Social y Deportivo, and news about the family lives of employees. Right from the outset, a big role was played by a photography competition organised by the magazine for Pirelli employees, with the publication of the winning photographs in the house organ or on the cover. General culture articles began to appear in the magazine in the 1960s, especially from 1963, when Paginas Pirelli also changed its graphic look and the layout of its cover. The most evident change, however, came in 1965, when, after it had been going for a decade, the magazine adopted a smaller format and changed its graphics. At this time, it also went from being a monthly to a bimonthly publication. Photography began to play a more important role and the colophon began to list the members of the editorial board and those in charge of the organización grafica y tomas fotograficas. In 1969, the format, type of paper, and layout all changed again, as did the content, which went back to focusing exclusively on the workers and their activities - particularly on their sports and the work of the Cine Foto Club - although there were also short features with trivia and advice for readers. That year, the magazine became a member of the Asociación de la Prensa Tecnica Argentina. The publication of Paginas Pirelli came to an end in 1975.